Data Story Overview


Every year, a surprise, low seed school slips into Cinderella’s slippers and shocks the world with a deep run in March Madness. Most of these schools, located usually in the middle of nowhere, step into the limelight for the first time and catch the attention of viewers nationwide.


As a basketball fan and a prospective college applicant, these Cinderella stories always make me think:


Where is Florida Gulf Coast?


Where is UMBC?


How big is Loyola Chicago?


Just like me, millions of high schoolers watched the glory of March Madness, and now bombarded with media attention at a college unknown of. Being exposed to new colleges, I imagined that with this new exposure, people like me would be more inclined to these colleges with newfound success.

My inspiration for this research project was the breakout success of TCU football in the late 2000”s. Before their success, I didn’t know anyone that went to TCU, or even knew TCU existed. However, TCU has gone on to be one of the most successful college football programs in the 2000’s, winning a Rose Bowl in 2011 against powerhouse Wisconsin. Today, I know people that go to TCU, a small private college in the middle of Texas.


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